Day by Day

Just a little bit of my thoughts for the day.

March 19, 2007

December 09, 2006

New Post

Ok, well we all know that the Steeler's aren't doing the greatest this season, but there is always next year!
I don't have too much to say, but I should since the semester is just about over. It is hard to believe that these last four months have flown by sooooo fast! I am actually not ready to be finished yet, mainly because I'm not ready to start a new semester. I have had a great group of girls this semester and am going to miss the ones that are leaving this semester (there is 8 leaving). The dorm is definitely not going to be the same without everyone. Who knows what next semester is going to be like. I have a feeling that next semester will fly just as fast as this one did. Monday starts finals and good ol' White Glove. Right now everyone's rooms look horrible, but by Monday at 4 they will be spotless (I hope).
In a less than a week I will be back at home, enjoying the fresh air! I can't wait to be with my family again (eventhough I did get to see them twice in the last month and a half).
well this should be a good enough post for now!

October 09, 2006

What is going on with the Steelers??

October 01, 2006

A Hug

The Power of a

There's something in a simple hug
That always warms the heart;
It welcomes us back home
And makes it easier to part.
A hug's the way to share the joy
And sad times we go through,
Or just a way for friends to say
They like you 'cuz you're you.
Hugs are meant for anyone
For whom we really care-
From your grandma to your neighbor,
Or a cuddly teddy bear.
A hug is an amazing thing--
It's just the perfect way
To show the love we're feeling
But can't find the words to say.
It's funny how a little hug
Makes everyone feel good;
In every place and language,
It's always understood.
And hugs don't need equipment,
Special batteries, or parts--
Just open up your arms
And open up your hearts.
~Jill Wolf~
Have you ever received a hug that just about put you to tears? Well, believe it or not this week I had a blessing just by receiving a hug. The kind of hug that just let me know that things are going to be ok. I had been praying for a friend that I had been burdened for. And for no reason, out of the blue, I received a hug. Joy just filled my heart and the Lord just brought a calming peace :)
Who knows when you can be a blessing to someone just by giving them a hug. Here is a free hug from me to you (since I can't give it to you in person).
I love you all!

September 14, 2006

Just saying hello :)

Does this make you happy!

September 07, 2006

Here we go Steelers...

Let the Games Begin :)
(Jim McIsaac/Getty Images)

August 25, 2006

I survived :)

What a day! Today was a day that I was not sure how it was going to go, but it turned out well. Today was the day that all the new students arrived on campus. I have 15 new girls in the dorm and I wasn't sure what to expect. But I know that the Lord is in controll and it was a good day. I felt bad because it did rain as we were trying to get everyone unloaded, but we survived (no one melted)
I am just excited about this year. I really feel unprepared, but it just makes me rely upon the Lord for His strength. Today was such a long day and I am so tried, but yet I can not sleep because I am just excited. I would ask that you would pray for MBBC that we would just have a great year. Also if you could pray especially for my girls, along with me, that we would have a year that is honoring and glorifying to our Lord.

P.S. I will post me pictures of Albania when I have time!